Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Words I Didn't Say Today

I have three children. I have to tell you, my youngest, she is a runner. Now that her older brother is back in school and her big sister is in preschool two days a week, I am starting to teach my youngest (who just turned two) how to walk beside the basket when we shop. I make a device called "My Extra Hand" walking guides. It's a little strap that attaches to the shopping basket (it attaches to just about anything), and it teaches your child to hold the strap while you push the cart. Today was our first day with it.

I have taught my older children this technique so I know what to expect. When she runs off and refuses to hold the line and walk with me, she has to go in the basket. As you can guess, a fit will ensues. This method is a process. After some time she will learn her boundaries. But at first, you will have a battle of wills. She will cry when she is not allowed to run anywhere she chooses.

So I am out at large grocery store, starting this method with her for the first time. I know that we will have periods of success and times when she will cry about being put back in the basket because she will not obey. I know it and expect it. It's a part of the process. I went to the store when it was not crowded, and it mostly had stockers in the aisles. My daughter did in fact get angry about being placed in the basket. I was not going along with the program she had in mind, and she was absolutely going to let me know what she thought about it.

When I passed a stocker in the snack aisle she stated loudly to another stocker, "Geez, if I had to listen to that, I would SHOOT myself." I was mad. And you do why? Because here is what would happen to you if you actually had to listen to THAT daughter of mine all day...

Your ears would be filled with more laughter than crying.
Your eyes would see a baby learning her world and dancing her way through the experience.
Your arms would be filled with hugs.
Your lips would have the sweetest kisses.
Your voice would sing off key and still bring smiles.
Your feet would run and dance.
And your heart would be filled with thankfulness that you have been blessed to know someone like her.

And so random stocker, if I didn't know what THAT felt like, then maybe I would just want to shoot MYSELF.

So that's how I felt. Do you know what I did? You guessed it. NOTHING. I walked away in silence. A little mad; but now, a little sad. Another bitter person in this world who probably does not know what THAT is all about.

It is hard to teach life lessons in public. Can we give children time to learn? Can we hold our tongues when we do not have something nice to say?

And to you, rude random stocker, I only have this to say. I WILL BE BACK! See you on the snack aisle. I'll be the one with the child you will be praising for being able to stay close to my basket without running off............ Well, eventually I will be.

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